Friday, October 17, 2008

New Hudson River Tunnel: Coming At Last?

Breaking news reveals that New Jersey Transit has just approved final funding for the design of the ARC (Access to the Region's Core) tunnel project. This project will finally realize the construction of two new train tunnels to serve New York's Penn Station at 34th Street.

It's estimated that the existing tunnels (nearing their 100th anniversary - thank you Pennsylvania Railroad!) will handle 44 million passengers traveling between New Jersey and New York this year. The new tunnels (estimated project cost of $7.6 billion - yes billion) are going to effectively double the capacity of New Jersey Transit, and allow for a large increase in single-seat, no transfer needed, commute between the neighboring states. How sweet it is!

Construction is supposed to begin sometime next year, with the tunnels coming on line in 2017. Boy, when I was a child, I thought we'd surely be living on the moon in the year 2017! Not yet; we're still digging away under the riverbed.

Finally, the city's dreams of having heightened utilization of its mass transit infrastructure will come to pass. If I'm not mistaken, this is the biggest capital improvement in New York City since what, the Verazanno Bridge in 1964? Ridiculous "progress" history for the greatest city in the world.

And no, the Waterfalls don't count as a capital project.

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